Free Training Materials
If you are a busy L&D Manager, you don't have the luxury of time to create your own resources from scratch.
If you're a freelance (or internal) facilitator, you add value when you're facilitating sessions - NOT sitting at a desk.
Even though WE know that our bite-size training materials provide excellent quality and value, we know that YOU want to be the judge of that!
Take a look at the FULL LIST of topics available and see how many of them will help you out.
If this isn't the sort of training material you are looking for, take a look at The Training Designers Club, with a VIP membership, you gain access to weekly in-person virtual meetings, monthly CPD sessions, focused support and group coaching and access to a bank of training resources to make designing great training so much easier.
Register now to download a range of free training resources. (One registration gets you access to everything).
01. Sample Power Hour Session
Our video walk-through should give you a good idea of what you get when you buy and download the materials for one of our bite-size training sessions, but if you want to look more closely, download our sample session - which is a COMPLETE session on Shaping the Future - normally priced at £55

02. Stand-alone Handouts, Questionnaires and Guides
Add to your trainer's kit-bag with our sample handouts and resources from our sessions as well as other materials we've been told have been very helpful such as:
Hints and Tips for Running bite size training sessions
Ten Ways to Liven Up Your Training - Simple tips and techniques that can be incorporated into training sessions of almost ANY topic to make them more interactive and brain friendly.
Here's some of the free goodies you can expect to find on the inside.....AND to help you to be the best trainer you can be, we'll send regular emails all related to designing and delivering great training.
Want to know more about Power hour? Watch our videos to learn what we can offer you.
Power Hour

Managing Under performance

Power Hour Training Modules

About Power Hour Training