Trust is fundamental to success at work. Whether you’re leading a team, rely on others to help you get results, work in a public-facing role or have to collaborate across teams or even organisations, trust makes everything so much easier. This Building Trust Power Hour aims to help you to identify what leads to trust, why it is so important and how you can adopt behaviours that encourage trust in the workplace.
In particular, by the end of the Power Hour you will be able to:
- Describe what makes us trust each other (or not)
- Explain how trust (or lack of trust) affects business results
- Identify behaviours you can adopt to build trust and those that you need to stop.
With a care session of 6 minutes, there is additional OPTIONAL material to take this to a session lasting 2 hours and 15 minutes (without a break).
In this exclusive offer, you get session plans (and slides) for both face-to-face and virtual sessions. Delegate materials are the same regardless of deoivery method.
To get a flavour for the session, take a look at the Key Points Sheet and SELECTED slides (in PDF format)
Building Trust - F2F AND virtual (PDF)
To help you to decide if this module is what you are looking for, here's an overview of what's included. Both F2F and virtual sessions cover the same content - it's just the practicalities of the exercises that change.
- Introduction and Objectives - including a relevant ice-breaker question
- Impact of trust (or lack of trust) - OPTIONAL discussion
- Understanding Trust - The factors that are considered to make up trust
- Recognising Trust - Group exercise to pin point what trust looks, sounds and feels like
- Links to the behaviour ice-berg and Johari Window - OPTIONAL
- Exploration of misplaced trust: its cause and impact - OPTIONAL
- Developing Trust - Exploring specific things we can do to build trust
- Retrospective analysis of good/poor trust against these models and behaviours - OPTIONAL
- Practical ways to build trust
- Make it work at work - review and action plan