The world of work has changed from the well-known patterns of the 20th Century. We no longer have a fixed career path, or even just one career: Flexible working is common; people have more than one career in their life; they have multiple jobs at any one time; and new jobs are being created all the time.
Whether you are an individual wanting to take control of your own career, or a manager that wants to retain your talent and help people to develop within the organisation, being able to discuss and plan career development is important.
In particular, by the end of the session delegates will be able to:
- Explain how to make themsleves employable in their chosen career
- Discover their career anchor, and use this to guide their choices
- Create a meaningful career development plan
To get a flavour of the core content, you can preview the PowerPoint Slides and download the free Key Points Sheet, both in PDF format.
Career Development Planning - PDF Version
The core session can be run in an hour, but there's enough material to create a half-day session. Here's an overview of the session:
- Welcome, Introduction and Objectives
- Why we need to plan our career (Optional)
- Defining Career Satsifaction
- Being Employable in your chosen career (with optional group exercise)
- Where are you now? (Optional exercise)
- Discover your Career Anchor
- Career Planning and BLISS Analysis
- Having a career development conversation (Optional)
- Create a Career Development Plan
- Make it work at work - Action Planning