Whether you manage people or not, most of us find ourselves in the position of having to have a ‘difficult’ conversation. But what IS a difficult conversation?
Quite simply, it’s any conversation that you’re not looking forward to having, for whatever reason.
But even though we may wish to avoid them, being brave and having that difficult conversation is often the right thing to do for your relationship and your business. But just because we know it’s the right thing to do, doesn’t make it easy.
In particular, by completing this Power Hour Expert session, you will be able to:
- Recognise what makes a conversation difficult for you
- Prepare to have a difficult conversation
- Open a conversation with confidence
- Demonstrate good practice when engaged in a difficult conversation.
To get a flavour of the core session, you can download our free Key Points Sheet and PowerPoint Slides in pdf format. Remember that the Session Plan and Delegate Workbook contain the majority of the content, The slides are simply there to guide, and the Key Points Sheet to summarise.
Instructions for BOTH face to face and virtual delivery are included in the Session Plan.
Difficult Conversations - Face to Face AND Virtual (PDF Version)
The 'core' session lasts for an hour, but the extended session can last for half a day. The outline is as follows:
- Introduction and Objectives
- What makes conversations difficult? – Input and discussion
- What happens if we DON’T have them? (Optional) – Group Discussion
- The underlying cause (Optional) – Pairs work
- The underlying motivation – Trainer Input
- Introduction to Radical Candor (Optional) – Input and exercise
- Preparing to have a difficult conversation – Group exercise
- Starting well – Input and discussion
- Good practice for during the conversation – Input, exercise and discussion
- Exploring the Ladder of Inference (Optional) – Input and exercise
- If you don’t initiate the conversation… (Optional) – Group exercise
- Good practice – Summary pointsPractice session (Optional) – Group exercise
- Make it work at work