Editable training materials for a session on handling difficult people.
It would be great if in life, we only ever met people that we liked, enjoyed being with and found easy to get along with. Unfortunately, this is not the case. People are different. Some are like us, and some are very different. These differences can sometimes make relationships difficult, and this in turn can affect how we feel, and what we do.
This Power Hour session will provide some insights into how delegates can make those relationships a little easier to handle.
In particular, by the end of the Power Hour delegates will be able to:
- Understand what we mean by difficult behaviour
- Suggest what might be driving the ‘difficult’ behaviour
- Use Transactional Analysis to take control of difficult behaviours and conversations
Download the Free Key Points Sheet and PowerPoint Slides to get more information about the content. Much more detail is included in the training session plan and detailed delegate workbook which you get when you purchase.
Handle Difficult People
The Outline for this session is as follows:
•Welcome and Introduction – Trainer and delegate input
•Defining ‘difficult’– Trainer-led discussion
•Identifying the Underlying Cause of ‘difficult’ behaviour – Group work and trainer summary
•Exploring behaviour positions - (Optional) Trainer input and group (card sort) activity
•Taking control with Transactional Analysis – Trainer input and then group work to explore the ego states in more detail
•Managing transactions – Trainer input and discussion
•Managing transactions – Delegate practice using prompt cards
•Handling specific characters – (Optional) Trainer input and small- group activity
•Summary and putting it into practice