Editable training materials for a session on handling different types of character and personality styles.
This session is all about helping people to understand the types of people they work with and what they can do to get the most out of each. There is no single right way to lead: to be effective people must be able to adapt their style to suit the needs of the situation AND the needs of the individual. The needs of the individual depend of their level of skill and will but also on their personality and communication preferences.
In particular, by the end of the Power Hour delegates will be able to:
- Explain what factors determine our behaviour
- Describe and recognise four typical behavioural styles
- Explain the strengths of each style and the potential problems associated with them
- Identify specific things that they should do (and shouldn’t do) to get the most from each style.
To get a taste of the content, you can download our FREE Key Points Sheet and a pdf version of our Optional Slides - though the detail is in the Training Session Plan and Delegate Workbook.
Leading Different Characters
- Introduction and Objectives
- OPTIONAL discussion - what makes people easy or difficult to work with
- Perception and Reality - Brief full group exercise and trainer-led discussion
- OPTIONAL full group exercise to introduce the Ladder of Inference
- OPTIONAL completion of behavioural style questionnaire - recommended but can be left out if time is tight
- Group exercises to explore the strengths and overdone strengths of the four behavioural styles
- OPTIONAL exercises to explore in more detail if you have time
- Pairs exercise to explore their own style: when it works for them and when they may need to adapt it
- OPTIONAL group discussion to summarise
- Make it work at Work - practical actions to apply the learning.